Monday, January 27, 2014

Poetry Portfolio

Poetry Portfolio Due Feb. 3

  • Original title 
  • Your name  
  • Be creative!

Table of Contents

Page 1: 
  • Definition of Catalog poem
  • Example of Catalog Poem ("Daily"/ "Woman Work")
Page 2:
  • Your own Catalog Poem
  • Decorations/image, etc Required on each page!!!!
Page 3: 
  • Definition of End Rhyme, Metaphor, Alliteration
  • Example poem using metaphor ("Hope is the thing..")
Page 4:
  • Your own poem using Metaphor
Page 5: 
  • Your  version of "Fourteen"
Page 6: 
  • The poem you already annotated or a new poem you annotated
Page 7 & 8
  • Your two shape poems
Pages 9, 11 & 13
  • Information on a famous poet of your choice (total of 3 poets). One may be song lyrics.  
  • For each poet, include:
    • Background info. on poet.  Well written paragraph
    • A poem by that poet
    • Your response to the poet's poem- well written paragraph
      • What is poem about
      • Who is the speak
      • What is the theme/main idea
      • What emotion is the poet trying to convey
Pages 10, 12 & 14
  • Your own poem mimicking the stye or theme of your chosen poem by your famous poet  

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