Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Expository Essay

Due next Monday:

The Expository Essay

Sample Expository Essay: http://teacherweb.com/ca/vannuyshighschool/tovarsenglishclass/sampleexpository.pdf

What is an Expository Essay?
An expository essay explains a concept, investigates an idea, or presents evidence for an opinion. According to Purdue's Online Writing Lab, in-class writing assignments and exams frequently instruct students to use an expository essay format. Expository essays can be developed using several different organizational patterns, depending upon the assignment, writing prompt or topic.

Read more about Expository Essays here:https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/02/

Structure of an Expository Essay: http://www.sbcc.edu/clrc/files/wl/downloads/StructureofaGeneralExpositoryEssay.pdf


Write an essay to explain one of the following:
  • 􏰀  Think of an invention that has been especially helpful (or harmful) to people. Write an essay to explain why.
  • 􏰀  Think of the most valuable thing you own that was not bought in a store. Explain why it is valuable to you.
  • 􏰀  Describe a teenage fad, and why, in your opinion, it became popular
  • 􏰀  Explain how climate dictates lifestyle
  • 􏰀  Many students have personal goals, such as making the honor roll, playing a musical instrument, or being the top sorer in a video game. To be successful in reaching goals, it helps to have certain qualities. Some of these might include se;lf- discipline, determination or a positive attitude. Think about a goal that you would like to achieve. In a well-developed composition, state your goal. Describe at least two qualities you will need to reach your goal, and explain why each quality is important to be successful.
  • 􏰀  Age has a funny way of making changes. It is probably easy for you to look back and see that you and your friends have make some major changes since you left middle school. Your teachers and friends may be different; your school is different, and some of your interests are probably different. Think back to sixth grade and describe how school has changed for you as a ninth or tenth grader.
  • 􏰀  “’Cheating is on the rise,’ reports expert Donald McCabe, a professor at Rutgers University. His surveys show that school dishonesty is a growing problem in every part of the country.” His and other studies report that 73 % to 80% of high school students cheat. “What is the big deal about cheating? It’s only wrong if you get caught.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement. What should we do about cheating in the schools?

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